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Camel Cricket   <meta name="keywords" content="camel cricket, preserved insect specimens, dead insects, insect collectors, student insect projects, science teachers, FFA events, Science Olympiad, Insects4Sale.com">
Price: $3.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: Rhaphidophoridae -

    Curious about camel crickets? These humpbacked insects, also known as cave crickets or spider crickets, are a quirky pick for preserved insect specimens. Perfect for student insect projects, insect collectors, science teachers, FFA events, or Science Olympiad displays, here’s the rundown on their size, habitat, timing, metamorphosis, and more—all available at Insects4Sale.com. These critters love dark, damp spots across North America and beyond. You’ll find camel crickets in caves, basements,...